records of Black and Red Kite (Tuintjes, respectively 1/6 and 4/6), Hoopoe (Tuintjes, 1/6), Bee-eaters (maximum of 10 ex in different places and dates ), Red-backed Shrike, female (Robbenjager and Tuintjes 3/6, 4/6), Rosefinch, male second calendar year (Dorpzicht, various dates) and an adult Rosy Starling (Slufter, 6/6 and 7/6) this month had a good start.
The last observation date of the group of 5 Dotterels is June 1st. Also this week, some migrating Honey Buzzards were seen.
Hop / Eurasian Hoopoe Upupa epops, Tuintjes, De Cocksdorp, Texel, 01-06-2015
Zwarte Wouw / Black Kite Milvus migrans, Tuintjes, De Cocksdorp, Texel, 01-06-2015
Grauwe Klauwier / Red-backed Shrike Lanius collurio, adult vrouw / female, De Robbenjager, De Cocksdorp, Texel, 03-06-2015