The sighting of an adult Rosy Starling on the northern point on Monday, June 8, was the start of a series of rare birdwatching records. During the twitch to this vagrant a Thrush Nightingale was heard in a small forest called Dorpzicht! The first Common Rosefinch of this year was seen that same day in Oosterend. The absolute highlight was the discovery on 10 June of a Green Warbler in the Krimbos by Texel birdwatcher Tim Schipper. This rare species breeds in N-Turkey, Caucasus and N-Iran and has only been found once in the Netherlands. A Roseate Tern and a drake King Eider have been present on Texel for a while and with some luck they could be seen also in the past few days.
Groene Fitis / Green Warbler, Phylloscopus nitidus, De Cocksdorp, Texel, 10-06-2020
Roze Spreeuw / Rosy Starling Pastor roseus, De Cocksdorp, Texel, 08-06-2020
Roodmus / Common Rosefinch Carpodacus erythrinus, Oosterend, Texel, 08-06-2020
Koningseider / King Eider Somateria spectabilis, Waddenzee bij Oosterend, Texel, 10-06-2020