Autumn is a very exciting time for bird watchers. The bird migration erupts in full force during this period. Large numbers of birds move from north to south. Some overwinter in the Netherlands. Others continue south. The ones that get lost on their journey are the highlights. Species that overwinter in Asia, but fly too far west and then emerge here. Sometimes it even concerns species from North America, which end up completely off course on the mainland of Europe! In recent weeks, some rare vagrants have been seen on Texel. An incomplete overview: a White's Thrush was present in the Tuintjes on 25 September and showed itself beautifully to several hundred bird watchers. This elusive bird has been sitting quietly on a branch for five hours, hidden behind some leaves. A Greater Sand Plover has been seen regularly for weeks on the Volharding near De Cocksdorp. A very probable Daurian Shrike (id is complex) stays from October 10 in the Tuintjes. An American Golden Plover has been staying in a group of Golden Plovers for several weeks. Other highlights include sightings of Red-flanked Bluetail, Arctic and Radde's Warbler, several Siberian Chiffchaffs and Yellow-browed Warblers.
Waarschijnlijke Daurische Klauwier / Probably Daurian Shrike Lanius isabellinis, 1w, Texel, 12-10-2021
Goudlijster / White's Thrush Zoothera aurea, Tuintjes, Texel, 25-09-2021
Woestijnplevier / Greater Sand Plover Charadrius leschenaultii, ad winter, De Volharding, Texel, 04-10-2-2021
Kleine Vliegenvanger / Red-breasted Flycatcher Ficedula parva, 1cy, Robbenjager, Texel, 17-09-2021
Siberische Tjiftjaf / Siberian Chiffchaff Phylloscopus tristis, Muy, Texel, 09-10-2021